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Department of chemistry was started in the year 2009-10. The department works diligently and faithfully to perform the teaching tasks to provide qualified graduates, practically and scientifically to service the community. The department offers UG degree program that prepares students for a variety of careers in the biological, medical,  environmental fields,  in research and development in industrial and government laboratories. The curriculum of the program includes the following core subjects that introduce students to the principles of chemistry: general chemistry, organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry and analytical chemistry and general physics and mathematics as allied subjects.

  • B.Sc (Chemistry) 3 years- Full Time
  • M.Sc (Chemistry)2 years – Full Time

Program Outcomes of the B. Sc. Chemistry program

PO 1: To understand basic facts and concepts in Chemistry while retaining the exciting aspects of Chemistry so as to develop interest in the study of chemistry as a discipline.

PO 2: To develop the ability to apply the principles of Chemistry.

PO 3: To appreciate the achievements in Chemistry and to know the role of Chemistry in nature and in society.

PO 4: To be familiarized with the emerging areas of Chemistry and their applications in various spheres of Chemical sciences and to apprise the students of its relevance in future studies.

PO 5: To develop skills in the proper handling of apparatus and chemicals.

PO 6: To be exposed to the different processes used in industries and their applications.

Program Specific Outcome

PSO1: Have sound knowledge about the fundamentals and applications of chemical and  scientific theories.

PSO2: Every branch of Science and Technology is related to Chemistry

PSO3: Easily assess the properties of all elements discovered.

PSO4: Apply appropriate techniques for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of chemicals in laboratories and in industries.

PSO5: Acquires the ability to synthesize, separate and characterize compounds using laboratory and instrumentation techniques.


CO1: To know the fundamental concepts of atomic structure

CO2: To  know the periodicity of properties

CO3: To equip learners with concepts in comparative study of s, p, d and f- Block elements.

CO4: To know metallic bonding and the closed packed arrangement of atoms.

CO5: To know the concept of thermodynamics.

CO6: To understand the theories of chemical kinetics and catalysis.

CO7: To understand the symmetry aspects in chemical systems.

CO8: To understand the concept of electrochemical cells.

CO9: To enable learners to understand the chemistry of organic compounds.

CO10: To make them to understand the mechanisms of rearrangement reactions.


There are various fields where a B.Sc chemistry graduate can utilize their talents. Some of the areas that offer jobs for a B.Sc degree holder include the following:

  • Medical Research
  • Manufacturing and Processing Firms
  • Testing Laboratories
  • Technical Journals
  • Oil Industry
  • Petroleum Companies
  • Pharmaceutical Companies
  • Power Generating Companies
  • Research and Development Firms
  • Agricultural Research Services
  • Education Sector
  • Forensic Crime Research
  • Food Institutes
  • Health Care Providers
  • Industrial Laboratories
  • Indian Civil Services